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The US were selling oil and other materials to Japan but when japan started to invade china we no longer sold anymore oil or anything else and we froze their banks which were in the us which made then relatively angry. As a result they sent planes over to attack pearl harbor and in return we declared war on them

pearl harbor, but the US provoked the Japanese to attack because the international banking interests wanted another world war to reap MASSIVE profits, a piece of evidence would be the fact that THE AMERICAN STANDARD OIL COMPANY WAS SELLING OIL TO THE NAZIS AND THE Chase Bank WAS SUPPLYING Germany WITH MONEY!!!!! ITS ALL IN THE ZEITGEIST PART THREE!! watch it on you tube!!! search for zeitgeist full movie and click on the one that's an hour and a half or something and move forward to part three "don't mind the man behind the curtain"!!

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12y ago
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9y ago

The unprovoked Japanese surprise attacks on the United States at Hawaii, Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, and Midway Island on December 7, 1941 (US date-time) and the subsequent German & Italian Declarations of War on the United States on December 11, 1941.

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15y ago

Officially the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941

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15y ago

The Japanese bombed Peral Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941

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11y ago

The event that triggered the US to enter WWII was the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaiiearly in the morning of 7dec1941.

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7y ago

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

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Q: What caused the US to go into World War 2?
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What specific event caused the us to go into world war 2?

Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii naval base on 07 Dec 1941

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No good enough reason to go to war, besides it would have most likely caused WW3, the last thing the world needed.

Why did the US go to war with Germany in World War 2?

They were an ally of Japan

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The US is not yet involved in world 11. The next world war should be WWIII so they have a way to go.

Why did America go to war World War 1?

The US entered the war for a variety of reasons

What caused the US to go to war in World War 2?

Japan bombed a military fleet and naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The U.S. had then joined the war and was an Allied Power along with other countries like France and Italy.

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What caused the uNITED STATES to go into world war 2?

The Jappenesse bombed Pearl Harbor.

Why did US not go into depression after world war 2?

I think we didn't go into a depression because we loaned weapons to the Allies during the beginning of world war 2. The money we received after the war kept us out of a depression.