The Spartans wore gold helmets, gold armor around their legs and gold armor around their waist to the middle of their thighs, They had silver shields and silver armor from their neck to their shoulders to their waist.
The Spartans were at war every few years for several hundred years.
There whole city was war based and war devoted. They were born to fight and kill.
The Unionists wore blue or sky blue uniform. The Confederates wore grey and also, after the early stage of the war, "butternut" uniforms.
The Peloponnesian War lasted from 431 to 404 BCE. The war was between Athens and the Peloponnesian League which was led by Sparta.
red and blue
Spartans in War wore armor to protect themselves from weapons.
The Spartans won the Peloponnesian war, the only war between the Athenians and the Spartans.
The Spartans focused on war, fighting and training.
Spartans wear sandals , shields , and togas.
does you ancient mother wear a tunic
The Spartans made their own war aims, they did not ask Athens for them.
they wear nothing go around naked
red or blue
The Spartans
for fartorian
The Spartans used weapons so they could have extra help in war