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Russia was state capitalist and controlled other eastern European state capitalist countries. They had no connection at all with Communism (a classless stateless society based on production for use).

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Q: What communist country controlled many of the other communist countries?
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What to countries fought in the cold war?

The United States and USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic), not Russia. Russia was the major country in the USSR and they controlled the other members.

What is an example of a military government?

Communist Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, And any other Communist Country. Communism is a military controled Government.

Is Vietnam a communist country still?

Back in 1959, North Vietnam was Communist. Until 1975 when the Americans joined the North and captured the south. Now the whole country is Communist. yes the north was communist and it now entirely communist but the Americas did NOT join the north. they went into the south to protect them from the communist because they were afraid of communist invasion as was seen in cuba with the support of the soviets, the other superpower. it wasnt until after 1975 once all the American troops had left ( referred to as vietnamization) that the North captured the south :)

Which European country controlled the African Congo before world war 2?

The Belgian government controlled the country from 1908, when Leopold the Second, King of Belgium, was forced by international opinion to give up 'his' land, until 1960, when the country gained it's independence. France controlled the other Congo- Congo-Brazzaville.

What is your understanding of the cold war?

The cold war was a time in which the Soviet Union who are known now as Russia began dominating countries and changing them into Communist. It was a time in which things fall apart in Europe because countries turned against each other, people died children and Parent lost each other and people have to decide either to be a Communist or Capitalism.

Related questions

If you live in a communist country can you go on holiday?

Yes you can. People in some communist countries travel around their own country and to other countries. Some countries, like North Korea, are much sticter though.

Was it a good idea to divide a country with half controlled by a communist government and the other half noncommunist?

Yes, because if the country is divided half and half, then it's equal and there won't be problems dealing with only the communist or noncommunist

How is Vietnam become different after their war?

Vietnam is now a communist country that functions like most other countries.

Can the US deport people back to Myanmar since its a communist country?

Yes they can. The US maintains diplomatic relations with Myanmar as well as MANY other Communist countries.

What European country controlled most of southeast Asia?

I think it might have been Great Brittain, they controlled what is now India, Pakistan, and other countries.

What country once controlled North Korea and South Korea?

japan Lots of different countries because korea was a small country so other countries that were bigger then Korea took controlled of Korea

What was the domimo theory?

The Domino Theory was a geopolitical idea during the Cold War that suggested if one country in a region fell to communism, then neighboring countries would also fall like dominoes. This theory was used to justify U.S. involvement in conflicts such as the Vietnam War in an effort to prevent the spread of communism.

How was the economy controlled?

How an economy is controlled depends on what system that economy is following. And economy can be controlled by the relationship between supply and demand, or by government fiat, for example. It can also be controlled by a country's relationships with other countries.

Is Cuba the only communist country?

No. China is officially communist, as are Laos and Vietnam (although one would debate how truly communist these are). North Korea is not officially communist, but in every other respect, it is.

What countries have a communism economic system?

Individuals can work to make profits in the communistic economy of China, as example. However, the Communist Politburo of China makes all major economic decisions. Major means of production are controlled by the leaders of the communist party. No other party but the communist party exists in China.

What was the cold war based upon?

The two world leaders; the United States of America and the Soviet Union, both wanted to expand their influence into other countries, primarily unstable countries. Naturally, two forces attempting to expand will run into each other eventually, which caused constant tensions. Both countries used their resources, which included the countries they influenced, to try to outwit the other, which led to the creation of organizations like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, CSTO, the Warsaw Pact, and so-forth. The influence became determined by government styles. You could tell that NATO controlled a country if it were Democratic/Capitalist, and you could tell the Soviet Union controlled a country if it were Communist.

What is Libya's countries?

Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.Libya is a country. It does not have any other countries and it is not part of any other country.