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Q: What country defeated austria in 1867?
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When france defeated austria it aquired the country of?

When France defeated Austria it acquired country of Belgium.

When was Czechoslovakia and Austria defeated?

They were never defeated at the same time, although they were defeated at one point. One time Czechoslovakia was defeated by the Soviets in 1989, and Austria.... Probably WW1, but that country was Austria-Hungary.

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What country defeated Austria in 1866?

In 1866 Prussia inflicted a severe defeat on Austria and expelled the country from the German Confederation.

Where is Austria Hungary?

It was in the middle of Europe: where Austria and Hungary are located now. It does not exist any more. Austria-Hungary was a country from 1867 to 1918. The Compromise of 1867 brought them together and they established a Dual Monarchy in which they shared power over the country and had two separate parliaments.

When were Czechoslovakia and Austria defeated?

The country did not exist prior to World War I. It was created in 1918 and was previously a part of Austria-Hungary.

When was Austria defeated in world war 2?

Austria was part of the III Reich, so it was officially defeated in 1945.

When did Archduchess Mathilda of Austria die?

Archduchess Mathilda of Austria died on 1867-06-06.

When was Archduchess Maria Dorothea of Austria born?

Archduchess Maria Dorothea of Austria was born on 1867-06-14.

When did First Republic of Austria end?

Austrian Empire ended in 1867.

When was Heinrich Peer born?

Heinrich Peer was born on November 25, 1867, in Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria].

Which two countries have Mexico defeated?

Spain (1821) as well as France (1867)