Bosnia & Herzegovina were two City-States located in Yugoslavia. The country was fractured by two main groups: the Pro-Nazi Chetniks & the Yugoslavian partisans, led by Josip Broz Tito who later became head of the Yugoslavian government.
Sarajevo used to be Serbian, but after ethnic cleansing (during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina) it is not.
It was fought in more than one country. Bosnia-herzegovina, Austria,Germany, France, and Belgium mostly
Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia
bosnia which was part of austria-hungary
Bosnia wasn't an independent nation during the First World War, it was owned by Austria-Hungary at the time, the Emperor-King of Austria-Hungary was Franz-Joseph I until his death in 1916 and Charles I from 1916 until the dissolution of Austria-Hungary in 1918.
Sarajevo used to be Serbian, but after ethnic cleansing (during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina) it is not.
from 1992 till 1996
Sarajevo, which is now the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bosnia is a region of SE Europe on the Balkan peninsula, which in 2010 is part of the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina were formerly a part of the federation of Yugoslavia, which was broken up by the Yugoslav conflicts (Bosnian War) beginning in May of 1992.HistoryIn the middle ages, Bosnia and Herzegovina was just called "Bosnia", or "Kingdom of Bosnia". Herzegovina is a region of Bosnia, in the middle ages it was called "Hum", but it was renamed to Herzegovina. Ottomans occupied Bosnia, and in the Ottoman empire it was called "Bosnian vilayet". After Ottomans, Austro-Hungary annexed Bosnia, and it was the first time the term "Bosnia and Herzegovina" was used. In Yugoslavia, Bosnia was one of six constituent republics. It's full name was "Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina", and when Yugoslavia broke up, it was called the "Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.".
The main belligerents were the forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and those of the self-proclaimed Bosnian Serb and Bosnian Croat entities within Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Herzeg-Bosnia.
Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia and Herzegovina
It was fought in more than one country. Bosnia-herzegovina, Austria,Germany, France, and Belgium mostly
It is a developing country. 80% of Bosnia's economy was devastated during the war that lasted from 1992 to 1995. At first glance Sarajevo, the capital seems like any other european capital.
Croatia won its independence against Serbia. Bosnia & Herzegovina too.
Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia
Bosnia and Herzegovina was partitioned into a Muslim-Croat federation and a Serbian entity by the Dayton Peace Accords in 1995, ending the Bosnian War.