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Q: What did Hershey develop during World War II?
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What did Hershey develop during World War 2?

D ration bar

What did Milton Hershey develop durign world war 2?

Ration D Bars and Tropical Chocolate Bars .

During World war 2 Nestlé introduced a new product?

Hershey chocolate bar

What new weapon did the us develop during World War 2?


What was not a new weapon develop during World War 1?

Atomic bombs

Why were scientist important during World War 2?

They helped develop new weapons to win the war

What candy began production in 1941 and was sold exclusively to the military during World War II?

This very well may be the HERSHEY chocolate bar.

What did the US do in less than four years during the World War 2?

Develop an atomic bomb.

How old is Hershey's candy bar?

My mother, born in 1922 always told me that Hershey bars came out during WWII and were given to the soldiers in their MRE's. Many great recipes came out during the second world war that used Hershey bars. This may or may not be exactly when they came out. But I had this conversation many times with my mother. She was in her 20's during the war so I think she would remember well.

Chocalate company provided bars to troops in ww1 and World War 2?


What was the national laboratory in New Mexico founded during world war 2 to develop the atomic bomb?

Los Alamos

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