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Before the 1920s woman were not allowed to show skin ... Dresses were floor length ... Skirts had to reach ankles ... Shirt had to cover the neck line ... Ect . But the 1920s were different ... Woman became more rebellious ... They cut their hair to a "bob" ... They started to cut their skirts to the knee ... And they even started to wear make up ... They were called "flappers" ... As for the men ... They started to abandon the suits (that they would wear all the time) and get more casual with more athletic type of wear .

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Q: What did people wear in 1920?
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What did people wear in the 1920's?

women wore dresses, gloves, sun hats, kitten heels. men wore suits, loafers etc.

Did everyone in the 1920s wear hats?

It would be illogical to assume every person in the entire world wore hats during the 1920's. A lot of people did probably wear hats during this time period, but there are always black sheep.

What did people wear in 1910-1920?

Between 1910 and 1920 people wore clothing that was durable and serviceable. The evening gown had gone out of fashion and was replaced by shorter hemlines and fringe or tassels. A high waist and loose or flowing dresses became more popular while men wore smoking jackets or evening coats with wide lapels.

Some that starts with a g to wear?

People wear glasses. People wear gloves. People wear golf shoes.

What was the population of Germany in 1920?

The population of Germany in 1920 was approximately 62 million people.

What is the importance of the 1920's fashion?

Before the 1920's, "new fashion", women would wear long dresses with corsets. But because of WWI, more fabric was needed for the soldier's uniforms. It was also convenient not to have a long dress dragging on the ground and getting muddy and dirty. It was a new change for everyone. They wore skirts to the knee and started to wear make-up. Or as some people know them as, Flappers.

How many people died on Bloody Sunday 1920?

On Bloody Sunday, the 21st of November, 1920 in Dublin, 31 people died on that day.

In what country do people wear kimonos?

Japanese people wear Kimonosjapan

What is something you wear that begins witht the letter j?

People wear jewelry. People wear jockey shorts. People wear jammies.