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Old Iron Sides

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Q: What did the newspapers call McClellan during the Civil War?
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What did they call newspapers?


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What did Southerners call cotton during the civil war?

they called it pooffy

What was money called during the civil war?

the Confederacy call currency greenbacks.

What do you call a northern man with southern principles during the civil war?

A Copperhead.

What holiday did Lincoln call for during the Civil war?

Lincoln called for a day of Thanksgiving.

What did they call the south during the civil war?

The South was called the Confederate States of America.

What did union and confederacy call each other during civil war?

Bluebelly and Johnny Reb

What do you call Person who writes stories for newspapers?


During the civil war the soldiers from the south were call rebels?

Yes. They were fighting for the rebel states - the Confederacy.

What did the people call the ironclad battleship during the civil war?

The Merrimac and the Monitor Battle OR the Ironclad Battle

What did the United States call themself during the civil war?

The United States but it was sometimes referd to as the Union