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A few horses died.

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Oma O'Reilly

Lvl 13
3y ago
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Jerrold Quitzon

Lvl 13
3y ago

A few horses died.

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Q: What died at fort Sumter?
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How many Americans died in Fort Sumter battle?

Based on all the history about Fort Sumter, it seems that there were no deaths associated with the battle of Fort Sumter.

What animal died at fort Sumter?

A few horses died.

What is the significant of fort Sumter?

Fort Sumter was the first battle of the civil war. There were fires, but the only thing that died was a horse. No one from the Union or Confederate died.

How many people died from each army in the battle of fort Sumter?

No one died in the Battle of Fort Sumter. It was harmless. The south fired upon the fort for over 33 hours. Unluckily, no one got wounded or died.

What is one fact about the battle of fort Sumter?

A lot of people died. Also the Sumter won!

How many died in fort Sumter the first day?


Did Robert shaw die?

he died in the Fort Sumter battle

When did Robert Shaw die?

he died in the fort Sumter battle

What were Lincoln's choices in regard to fort Sumter?

his choise's were to resuply Fort Sumter

What kinds of weapons were used in the battle of fort Sumter?

weapons such as riffles and cannons were used in fort Sumter and don't forget that not one man died in this battle.

Is fort Sumter a museum?

Fort Sumter was a fort back when Lincoln was president.

How many people died in fort Sumter?

there were no casualties except for a horse