to be allied is to be on your side and assisted, or helped/backed up... this generaly reffers to war eg. America was allies with Britain in ww2 so they helped and were 'on our side'
The groups were the allied and the axis. The allied mainly being America,Russia, Britain. The axis being Germany,Italy ,and Japan.
The surrender documents were signed in a schoolhouse in Reims, France that was being used as Allied headquarters.
SUpreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionairy Force.
Relations between the two countries, friendly, or neutral.
what does allied power mean
mainly being helped by the U.S or someone else also it was the group that was on the good side of the good people. :D
The groups were the allied and the axis. The allied mainly being America,Russia, Britain. The axis being Germany,Italy ,and Japan.
The surrender documents were signed in a schoolhouse in Reims, France that was being used as Allied headquarters.
The surrender documents were signed in a schoolhouse in Reims, France that was being used as Allied headquarters.
Allied and Axis vicories reffer back to WW2. Allied sides were: everyone against Germany and Japan. Axis victory were: Japan and Germany
Do you mean the German invasion of France in 1940 or the Allied invasion of France in 1944? If you mean the Allied invasion of 1944. the supreme commander of all Allied forces was Dwight Eisenhower.
Allied Manufacturing and Trade Industries Limited
There are 53 African countries, so the odds of one nation being allied with them all, is pretty slim. IT'S NOT A COUNTRY!
Did you mean "Bismark" ? if so it was sunk by allied action.