Corporal, 315th Service Squadron, Army Air Force. (These was no US Air Force during WWII, not until 1947. From 1941-47 it was the Army Air Force).
S Sgt means Staff Sergeant. This was the soldier's rank, the insignia being three chevrons with one "rocker" at the bottom. Its one grade higher than a mere buck sergeant, which has three chevrons only. 1775 Svc Cmd mean the 1775th Service Command. If taken from the soldier's discharge papers this would be the last unit to which the soldier was permanently assigned. Its likely that he was assigned to this unit for most of his tme in the army. This unit appears to have been a veterinary inspection unit, tasked with inspecting animals purchased for meat to feed to the army, based at Fort Snelling, Minnesota. See page 191 of the attached link below for a mention of the unit.
Got to the Australian War Memorial website: Navigate to 'research and family history'. Using the member's 'regimental or service number' if available or full name and any other identifying details (such as date of birth or enlistment) search for the member's service record.
With no more information than you gave us I can only say that svc stands for service.
SVC - Services
Difference between a PVC-Permanent Virtual Circuit and SVC-Switched Virtual Circuit is that an SVC must be reestablished each time data is to be sent. After that SVC disappears.
example of svc
SVC is Southern Vermont College. It is located at 982 Mansion Drive, Benninton, Vermont 05201. SVC is in the South of the state, almost at the point where New York, Massachusetts and New Hampshire meet Vermont.
Your connection to the nearest tower is either weak or lost. The phone is searching for a new signal.
There are two programs that are known to open .svc files. These are Microsoft Internet Information Services and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
Varies for svc. Look for Nikelodeon.
Nickelodeon but channel varies with svc,
SVC Chaos SNK vs- Capcom - 2003 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:T
Nickelodeon but channel varies with svc,