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Q: What does jointly occupied mean?
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Who jointly occupied the Oregon Territory?


Northern boundary of Oregon territory jointly occupied with Britain?

Forty-ninth Parallel

What were the circumstances of acquisition of Oregon country?

jointly occupied with Britain Oregon treaty- 49th parallel

When was Canada's Arctic occupied?

It still is.. Or do you mean when was it FIRST occupied by humans?

Was Iran involved the Holocaust?

No. In 1941 the then Shah of Iran showed pro-Nazi sympathies, and the country was occupied jointly by Britain and the Soviet Union from 1941-1946.

What was the territory occupied jointly by Britain and the US under the Treaty of 1818?

Oregon Countrythe Oregon Countrythe Oregon Country

Do you have to file jointly if married for four months?

No, just because you get married does not mean you have to file jointly. You can always file separately. Hope this helped.

What is the importance of the rush bagot agreement?

The rush-bagot agreement fixed the border between the United States & Canada at the 49th parallel & it resolved conflict to the claims of Oregon between Britain and the U.S. (they occupied it jointly for 10 years)

What does occupied japan mean?

"Occupied" means that the country, Japan in this case, has soldiers stationed there after their defeat, in this case, the United States, to keep the peace and prevent further warlike activities.

What does an expression mean in math?

a collection of symbols that jointly express a quantity

What does ocupado conmigo mean in spanish?

busy/occupied with me

What does occuipied mean?

Occupied-means something is taken, or being used. Example: If someone is in the bathroom. Then the bathroom is being occupied.