Hisser mean that they like to hiss people.It mean that they are ....
what does trench mean
it mean spiderman is dead
I am sorry there is no such word. If you mean ration, it means an amount of something.
Outliers pull the mean in the direction of the outlier.
i really dont think mila has a meaning in japan but i may be wrong Mila as a name would be Japanized as ミラ /mi ra/.
The Lakota term kimi mila means a butterfly.
Mila Jovanovich goes by Mila Roots.
Mila Dimitrijevic's birth name is Mila Jovanovi.
Mila Mulroney's birth name is Mila Pivnicki.
No, Mila Kunis is not single.
Mila Gojsalić died in 1530.
Mila Jasey was born in 1951.
Mila Iskrenova was born in 1960.
Mila Kajas is 162 cm.