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Hitler was one of the early members of the Nazi Party. He refined, so to speak, their ideology, and was able to bring them to power. He was imprisoned briefly after a failed attempt to overthrow Germany's government in the early 1920's, and while in prison, he wrote a book called Mein Kampf (German for "My Struggle"), which laid out the Nazis' plans and, for lack of a better term, philosophy.

Hitler didn't invent Nazism, but he had a profound effect on its growth- he was then able to use it to take over Germany and cause World War II, all of which led to the deaths of millions and millions of people.

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Q: What does nazism have to do with Hitler?
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Is it true that Hitler led Germany into Nazism in the 1950s?

No, that is false.

Most of the ground war in Europe was fought from?

Germany after the rise of Hitler and Nazism

Is saluting like Hitler illegal in Germany?

Yes it is. In Germany It is illegal to have a picture of Hitler, a Nazi Flag, swastikas, ect. It is Illegal to do anything that is relating to Nazism.

What is Nazism?

Actually, Nazi is just an acronym for the National Socialist Party, as it is in German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The term had no negative connotations in Germany, or indeed in the rest of the world, until the time of the Second World War. Nazism is the name given to the political ideology and subsequent regime of Adolf Hitler, which ruled in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Although Nazism is often called "fascism", it does differ from generic fascism, as the term is used today, and also from Fascism, which is the name given to Mussolini's regime in Italy around the same time. Nazism's main points of emphasis were the racial superiority of the "Aryan" people, the annihilation of the Jews, seen as racially inferior, the aggressive foreign policy, especially in relation to East European countries, seen as genetically inferior and the importance of the "Fuehrer" (i.e. Hitler) as the head of state.

What did hitlers hand sign mean?

It depends on what you mean by his 'sign.' The standard swastika - a symbol of Nazism - was (and still is) a symbol of peace, light, and good fortune in religions including Hinduism and Janism. But Hitler, being a superstitious man, thought turning it on it's side would attract dark forces. His 'Sieg, heil!' motion stemmed from Italian dictator Mussolini's fascist arm raise, which stemmed from his fear of handshakes. Hitler adopted the arm raise as a symbol of Nazism after meeting Mussolini (Hitler was a great admirer of the dictator).