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It means that one race, such as chinese, not to be racist but using it as an example, is lower, and not as good, as say, African people, still not trying to be racist.

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Q: What does racial inferiority mean?
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To be worthy of contempt is to have proven ones inferiority, so yes.

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The British who colonized India had a very formalized sense of White racial superiority and Desi (improperly called "Brown people") inferiority. It was believed that Indians could, at best, emulate the British and those who did would be called "civilized". Racial discrimination was especially intense towards those individuals who were very religious, but not Christian. The most antagonistic relationship was between the British Christians and Desi Muslims.

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Use inferiority complex in a sentence?

I was searching for the same and fount these examples:David Whitley overcomes his inferiority complex to enjoy one of the world's most glamorous hotels.Equally, King's sense of injustice sounds like an inferiority complex, despite the staggering superiority of his book sales.Victorian football public that the inferiority complex at his new club was being nipped while it, and indeed the club, was still a bud.My inferiority complex started when I realised my penis was getting more emails than me.The truth is that bees give us an inferiority complexthat is not entirely unjustified.