A Government Owned Vehicle (GOV), in contrast to a Personal Owned Vehicle (POV).
It is the military term for a 'search and rescue dot.'
Acoustic Condition
Search and Rescue Direction of Travel
Normally on active duty it means Point Of Contact.
Field Artillery
The acronym BOM GOV does not stand for anything together. Separately, however, the acronym BOM most often stands for "Bureau of Mines" or "Bureau of Meteorology". GOV is not an acronym, but instead is shortened form of the world "Government".
It is the military term for a 'search and rescue dot.'
Military Grid Reference System
Command Post Node
Airlift Clearance Authority
Acoustic Condition
Military Decision-Making Process
Often, CSAR is an acronym seen in the military referring to Combat Search And Rescue.
Search and Rescue Direction of Travel
The acronym MI5 stands for the British government department known as Military Intelligence Five.
FHA Gov stands for Federal Housing Administration. It provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders for single family and multifamily homes.
Normally on active duty it means Point Of Contact.