It was a skull and crossbones.
a jolly roger
The colors on a flag represent different things depending on what country the flag belongs too. Do you have a specific flag that you are asking about?
The history of the pirate flag has largely been lost with time. Some believe that pirates originally used a red flag known as the Jolly Rouge which was later mistranslated into Jolly Roger.
That depends on what flag your talking about dude.
Skull and crossbones
his flag was a skull with 2 bones
It was a skull and crossbones.
That symbol is usually associated with a pirate flag.
The Jolly Roger or the Death Flag.
Either skull and cross bones or the pirate flag.
The 'Jolly Roger'.
pirate flag or sign.Another answer:"Jolly Roger."
The Jolly Roger
I is called the "Jolly Roger"
the jolly roger
A pirate flag, also known as a Jolly Roger, typically consists of a white skull and crossbones symbol on a black background. The skull represents death, while the crossbones symbolize danger or warning. The flag was used by pirates to intimidate their enemies and signify their identity as outlaws of the sea.