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Q: What does the quote The art of war was simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get him as soon as he you can. Strike him as hard as you can and move on?
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Who said strike first strike hard strike often?

(The Quote came from the 1984 movie "Karate Kid" and the actual quote was "Strike First Strike Hard Show No Mercy".) This quote is accually said by Fleet Admiral William Halsey, during WWII, the "Karate Kid" quote is probably derived from what the Admiral said. and it's: "Strike Fast, Strike Hard, Strike Often".

What is the whole quote from Pogo including We met the enemy...?

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

What is a good enemy quote?

Its better to have an enemy that hates you then a friend who secretly puts me down...:P

How can you write a simple sentence for the word quote?

You can quote me on that.

What president said find out where your enemy is get hime as soon as you can strike him as hard as you can and keep moving on?

President George Washington reportedly said this during the Revolutionary War to emphasize the importance of quickly locating and neutralizing the enemy in battle. This quote reflects Washington's strategic approach to warfare and the need for decisive action.

Does Hitler have a famous quote?

"Tell a big lie long enough and people will start to believe it". "Make the lie big, and keep it simple. when you repeat it enough times, people will believe it"

Is the quote friend of your enemy is your enemy an Arabic quote?

Yes, the quote "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is said to have originated in ancient Arabic military tactics. This principle suggests forming alliances with one's enemies' enemies for mutual benefit in conflict situations.

Who said a Quote on the enemy within?

There are many quotations referring to "the enemy within", but an African proverb states: = "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." =

What is the meaning of the way to destroy an enemy is to make him friend?

The quote 'the best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend' may work in some cases. If you are a smooth and honest charismatic person you may be able to sway your enemy enough to be at least mildly interested in you until they get to know you better and then you may become friends or even best friends. It is much easier to be friends than to have one as an enemy. However, the quote does not face the true reality of every day modern life and it may work sometimes and not others. There is another quote 'keep your enemies close' which simply means be close to your enemies and be aware of their actions to protect yourself.

How do you get a girl friend with one simple quote?

simple tell her i love you

Who quote is this simple but effective in one direction?

The quote has forgot its direction and has become complex.

What are the Characteristics of a good programmer?

Accurate and "as simple as possible but not simpler" (to quote Albert Einstein).