Blackbeard's (Edward Teach's) Jolly Roger is on a black backgroun with a skeleton stabbing a heart while toasting to the devil.
From that, it really kinda' means, Bad Things Are Going To Happen. But also, using it as a Jolly Roger it meant, "Prepare to die,"
When raised, people often surendered at the sight of the flag, so another meaning could be "Surrender or Die."
God is great is scrawled across the flag of Iraq.
flags represent places if they where no flags where werent able to difference all the places that's why and to make coulture by symbols sometimes they mean something like the American flag; all the stars mean the states.
it mean spiderman is dead
Show No Mercy
the people
i have no clue
new zeland
The red circle on the Japan flag represents the rising red sun
it means nothing
it represents the 50 states
that means freedom and Independence
No. That's why I'm asking you
the colors of nepals flag represent red and yellow