The Current Canadian Flag was 'invented' during the minority government of Lester B. Pearson.
The national flag of Canada, known as the maple leaf was adopted in 1965.
The thirteen stars on the old American flag represented the thirteen colonies.
this was great Britain's flag in 1914. its also their current flag.
The history behind the British flag: It used to be called the Union flag/ Union jack because it represented the union of all the countries of the United Kingdom. The flag is an amalgamation of three flags, England North Ireland and Scotland.
In 1967 the current flag replaced the Red Insign
Canada's current flag was chosen on February 15, 1965.
The flag of Canada is represented by a maple leaf because it is the symbol of the nation's unity. It represents all the people of Canada without discrimination of race, belief, opinion, language, or anything of the sort.
The current canadian flag was adopted in 1965.
The Nation Flag of Canada is the current flag of Canada and it was chosen as the new flag on January 28, 1965. But the flag was inaugurated on February 15, 1965.
The current flag's birthday is February 15, 1965.
The present Canada day flag was adopted in 1965.
The current flag was made official on February 15, 1965.
The current flag was made official on February 15, 1965.
The current Canadian flag was made official on February 15, 1965.
The current flag was made official on February 15, 1965.