He was Truman before ww2, and during ww2. sometime after ww2, he died.
A good seventy countries were involved in WW2, although a lot of these countries didn't come in until the middle of or towards the end of WW2. But France, Britain, Russia, Japan, Poland, Italy, and of course, Germany were involved in WW2 from the beginning to the end.
The Nazis in WW2 and the Germans in WW2 are effectively the same people.
no on is really sure but about 72million died so probably about 100million were in ww2
There are colon cleansings foods available. You should actually contact your doctor or pharmisist for a list of foods available to help cleanse your colon
They are called catered foods or gourmet foods.
There were NO canned foods available in the 18th century.
The same foods that are available today were available in 1906. There weren't as many preprepared foods or prepackaged foods. More cooking was done from scratch.
There was a shortage of food during WW2!
Johannesburg has all kinds of foods available, from African and Afrikaans, to all kinds of Asian and European and American foods, food from all over the world is available in Johannesburg.
Frozen foods became available to the public in the 1930s. Clarence Birdseye is credited with inventing the modern freezing process for food, revolutionizing the way we preserve and consume food.
The type and quality of internation foods available is different from city to city. To find an answer you'll have to specify an area that you're interested in.
Seasonal foods are foods that are available during certain times of year. Often fresh fruits and vegetables are seasonal.