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the people who avoided death where ither normal people or where left to starve

or they fled and found a place to hide until the liberation.

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Q: What happend to those who avoided death in consentration camps?
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How many people went to adolf hitlers consentration camp?

the amount of people that was in the death and consentration camps is 40.000 peoople

Where were the World War 2 consentration camps?

If one includes all the sub-camps and temporary camps the total is about 1,500.Please see related question.

Was Auschwitz just a consentration camp for Jews?

Auschwitz was a cluster of camps. Some were slave labor camps with slaves from many different backgrounds worked, and where many were worked to death. Auschwitz II Birkenau was a death camp, devoted almost entirely to the slaughter of Jews.

Scindler list how did schindler do to ensure the safety of his workers?

He kept his workers (given to him as slave labor) out of the nazi death camps, even requested more Jews to be transfered from the camps to his facility. At his facility they avoided murder at the camps.

What happend to women in concertration camps?

well they would be seperted from their families they would be in work or put to death . They would be slaves and not be importent

Why did they called it concentration camps instead of death camps?

All camps were technically concentration camps, generally the extermination camps were called 'death camps'.

What was he difference between concentration camps and death camps?

Death camps were built to kill prisoners systematically

What is the proper name for death camps?

The term death camps (in the Holocaust) refers mainly to extermination camps. Sometimes the very harshest concentration camps (Grade 3, such as Mauthausen) are also called death camps.

During the holocust how did most of them die?

Most Holocaust victims were either shot and killed or they died in the consentration camps where they would starve to death because without the lack of water and food the most you could live up to was 3-4 days tops.

Did anne frank have a husband?

No she was way to young and she also did not have the chance to be before her death in the consentration camp

Were there more death camps than concentration camps in World War 2?

Concentration camps were death camps. The people that were scheduled to die were concentrated into areas for easier delivery to the death chambers.

What year did Hitler bring in the death camps?

1933 Concentration camps started in 1933, the Death camps started in 1941.