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a nuclear one.

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Q: What impact did the atomic bomb cause?
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What impact did the fat man aka second atomic bomb cause?

It destroyed the city.

Why did they have the atomic bomb?

cause we are America

Can a atomic bomb blow up california?

An atomic bomb has the potential to cause significant destruction to a specific area, but it would not be able to literally blow up an entire state like California due to its size. The impact of an atomic bomb would be contained to a specific radius around the point of detonation.

What is the impact of the atomic bomb on today's society?

the impact is very big. they are a thret to everyone and our scioty is not promoting them.

What was the impact on animals bomb on HIroshima?

See: Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What impact did the use of the atomic bomb have on the war?

It was the major contributor to ending the war.

Is an atomic bomb detonated or dropped?

An atomic bomb is usually dropped from an aircraft before detonation. The bomb is released from the aircraft, allowing it to fall toward the target area where it explodes upon impact with the ground.

Could the atomic bomb cause skin cancer with soldiers exposed to it?

The radiation in the atomic bomb can cause all types of cancers. Skin cancer proboly being the most prevalent.

What elements does the atomic bomb use?

There are many different elements involved in the construction of an atomic bomb, but the elements that actually cause an atomic explosion are either uranium (specifically the U235 isotope) or plutonium.

What was the impact of the dropping of the atomic bombs?

it caused japan to surrender after the second bomb being dropped

Will an atomic bomb really destroy the world?

Given the power of modern atomic bombs, it is unlikely that a single atomic bomb could destroy the world. It is doubtful that a single atomic bomb could cause irreparable damage to civilization (given humanity's spread across the planet etc)

What is the destruction of the atomic bomb?

It insenerates anything in its path and it can cause overdoses of radiation