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It made him VERY unpopular among the Russian people, with high death tolls, if he was not already (having lost the Russo-Japanese War already). This inevitably ended with the Bolshevik revolution (communist) and his abdication (1917), then in 1918 him and his family were shot in their basement.

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Q: What impact did world war 1 have on the czar and his government?
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What impact did Russia's involvement in World War 1 have on the Russian government?

It showed the Czar's weakness and how the army wasn't prepared.

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At the beginning of World War I, which outsider helped speed up the decline of the czar's government

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The Czar and the Russian government

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Grigori rasputin

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it was ivan i.

Why did they Czar government collapse in World War 1?

The Russian czar government collapsed during World War 1 primarily due to a combination of military failures, economic crises, and widespread discontent among the Russian population. The war effort placed immense strain on the already weakened economy and led to food shortages and inflation. The czar's autocratic rule and inability to effectively address these issues further eroded public support, leading to popular uprisings and the eventual overthrow of the monarchy.

What kind of leader was the Czar in World War I?

The Russian Czar was a poor leader during World War 1. He had no military experience and was unable to relate to the people or to the troops when he reviewed them.

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World War I

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When did Russia withdraw from World War 1 and why?

because the bolshevik revolution ousted to czar from power, and the new government didnt believe russia needed to be involved in the war. That and the were ill equipped, ill prepared, and suffering mass casualties

The position of czar was abolished at the end of which war?

here are some options? - Russo-Japanese War -World War II - World War I - Cold War sorry i dont know the direct answer. But this etleast nerrows it down for you..=)