The catapult 's development reaches back into antiquity. The catapult was developed to breech fortress walls during attacks. Catapults were used up until WWI
they were used to launch air craft
Some catapults were used in the middle ages to try and get into Medieval Castles. The Romans had catapults. I had a hand catapult when I was a youngster.
Most people think it was the Greeks, but actually it was centuries before them that the catapult and the rapid fire arrow machines were invented by King Uzziah.
where was the catapult used
They used the catapult for war.
The catapult was used to overwhelm enemy defensive positions and to cause casualties .
A mangonel is a weapon that was used during the Middle Ages. It was used in warfare and the weapon is similar to a catapult.
No. An inclined plane can be used to steer the projectile but that is incidental to the catapult.
In war
Yes, it is a type of torsion catapult, invented in 1888, used by children in the 1940's.
a trebuchet is a type of catapult. it used a counter weight
The medieval army used a catapult to launch large stones at the enemy's castle walls.
to launch me into your moms window
catapults were used for war