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Q: What is a spanish treasure ship called?
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What were English sailors who raided Spanish treasure ship called?

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What island means the spanish isle?

The Spanish Isle is where Dominican Republic and Haiti are. It's called Española (which is the name of the ship in Muppet Treasure Island.)

What was the name of the DR Livesey and Squire Trelawney ship in the book Treasure Island?

The ship was called the Hispaniola in the book Treasure Island.

What is the name of the ship that sailed to Treasure Island?

the benbow nooo... that was the inn that john was working in... the ship was the Hispaniola.

Where is the treasure in build a bear?

If you are talking about the treasure hunt starting at the sunken ship, it ends at the sunken ship. You have to go inside the ship and click on the treasure chest and there you have it, the treasure.

What do you call a Spanish sailing ship?

They were called a Spanish Galleon ...

What was the name of the pirate ship in the classic Treasure Island?

The pirate ship in Treasure Island is called the Hispaniola. It is on this ship that the adventure to find buried treasure unfolds, with Long John Silver and the crew setting sail with Jim Hawkins and the rest of the characters.

What was the name of the ship used by dr livesey in Treasure Island?

treasure island ship

What teasures did sir francis drake find?

he found spanish treasure, spanish coins, spanish precious stones and pearls and he filled these all in his ship until it was very low in the water!

What is fifteeth century Spanish ship called?

The largest Spanish sailiing ships of this date were called Carrack's

What is Spanish word for treasure?

treasure = tresoro (tre-sor-ro)

What did Jim see in the ship in Treasure Island?

Jim saw the pirates Long John Silver and his crew counting their treasure in the ship in Treasure Island.