American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
Operation Torch
Another name for a militia is a reserve.
The Allied Forces were not always able to withstand German assaults but they often did because they were well led, well supplied and they used ingenuity to find ways to conquer the Germans in many battles. The American troops were another reason why the allies were able to withstand the assaults.American troops
Rebels/Johnny Reb/greycoats
Foolish... no, actually, they are "embedded journalists".
Another name for Calvary is Golgotha, which is the hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus Christ was crucified according to Christian tradition.
Name Rank and serial Number if those troops are enemy troops.
The most common name for a curved sword is the scimar which was developed by the persians. The saber is also a curved sword - usually used by cavalry troops.
The name of the troops who served in Africa for Germany were call the Afrika Corp.
he trained GW's troops
soldiers armed forces
Those special troops mentioned in the Iliad were called Myrmidons.
Australian troops on the ground were referred to as ' Diggers '