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HMSmeans her majesty's ship.

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Breanne Mohr

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Q: What is marine one mean?
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What is HMS Marine One mean?

HMSmeans her majesty's ship.

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What is the name of the president helicopter?

Marine One. Marine One.

How many marine one are there?

Marine One is the call sign used to refer to any United States Marine Corps aircraft carrying the President of the United States. Typically, there are about 35 helicopters designated as Marine One that are available for presidential use.

What is marine one?

Marine One is the helicopter that the President of the United States flies on.

What is the difference between marine turbo engine and marine engine?

the difference is that one is turbocharged and one isnt,but both are marine engines. Keep in mind,there is a difference between marine and non-marine engines.

What marine creatures can be decomposers?

If You Mean As A Animal That Eats The Dead One Then A shar Is One And A Seal And Really Any Other Meat Eaters.

What does the marine phrase'Siempre Fie mean?

It is short for "Semper Fidelis", the Marine slogan: "Always Faithful."

What does the German word koninkigke marine mean?

koninkigke marine is not a German expression. The closest expression would be königliche Marine which translates as Rozal Navy.

Where can someone find marine spare parts?

One can purchase marine spare parts at a variety of online retailers including Marine Land, Marine Parts Express, and Marine Engine. One can also find new and used marine parts online at eBay and Amazon.

Name one marine detritivore?

A Fiddler Crab is a marine detritivore

What does mean mV?

In marine terminology it is a Marine Vessel