Most 1914 Barber dimes are low grade and are worth $2.00-$5.00, better grade are $8.00-$22.00 AU coins run $60.00-$82.00
A 1937 Mercury dime is common, average value is $3.00-$6.00 depending on the condition of the coin.
Ninety dollars
Sixpence GBP in 1914 had the purchasing power of about £1.60 GBP today. NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations by a purpose designed program. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation based on current exchange rates.
July 28, 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand was assasinated.July 28, 1914
July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918 (July 28, 1914, assasination of archduke Ferdinand) (November 11 1918, treaty of Versailles)
25 dollars
1914-D is not a rare date for Barber Dimes. Well-worn it's worth about $1.00 -- lightly worn with a complete & strong LIBERTY it's worth about $15.00 -- a nice uncirculated one is worth about $75.00
The 1914 Barber dime is a common coin. Value is $4.00-$8.00 for most coins.
The 1914 Barber dime is a common coin. Value is $4.00-$8.00 for most coins.
Retail price for a 1914 Barber Dime is $2.00-$8.00 for average circulated coins.
Low grade circulated coins are $2.00-$8.00 better grade $25.00-$88.00
1914-D is not a rare date for Barber Dimes. Well-worn it's worth about $1.00 -- lightly worn with a complete & strong LIBERTY it's worth about $15.00 -- a nice uncirculated one is worth about $75.00
A 1903-S Barber Dime in good condition (G4) is worth: $85.00.
The US has never produced a "Indian Head Dime" of any type. A US dime dated 1914 is of the Barber series of coins. A coin in average collectible condition is $3.00-$5.00.
In 1903, the style was still the Barber dime, and it's worth $2-10, depending on condition
It's a1897 Barber dime, in average condition is worth $2.00-$8.00 USD
1905 is a common date Barber dime. Average condition coins are $3.00-$5.00.