The Global Defense Initiative was started by the U.N. to combat the terrorist activities of the Brotherhood of Nod. The symbol for GDI(Global Defense Initiative) is a golden eagle.
Hernan Cortes ordered his men to burn all but one of their ships. Cortes reasoned that by eliminating their only method of retreat, his men had no choice but to fight hard to win against the Aztecs, which they ultimately did (Global Business Today (2010)).
by creating global online communities
The communists gained the knowledge that the US would fight if need be. They also learned HOW (tactics and firepower) the US fought.
It led to imperialism. With new improvements in ships, transportation modes, etc., the European nations were not only able to conquer many lands around the world (or gain influence in these places,) but they were able to trade with them. This created global trading companies, starting with the Dutch, of course. Tensions because of these trading capabilities and multinational influences, actually, is one of the leading causes of WWI.
it became global
Global Liberation Army
The basic plot of the Command and Conquer Tiberium series has been Kane (the leader of the Brotherhood of Nod) trying to take over the world, and GDI(Global Defense Initiative) trying to stop him. Of course, Tiberium has played a huge role in the game because (1) it is the major source of income, (2) it is destroying the earth by sucking up all the resources, (3) in the third game, aliens come to harvest it and find heavy human resistance.
RNAi Global Initiative was created in 2005.
Ethiopian Global Initiative was created in 2006.
There are many meanings to the phrase of Global Reporting Initiative. These include, but are not limited to, reporting economic, environmental, and social performance of the world.
In Defense of Global Capitalism was created in 2001-05.
In Defense of Global Capitalism has 277 pages.
Global Footprint Network was created in 2003.
The ISBN of In Defense of Global Capitalism is 978-1-93-086547-1.
The Global Network Initiative mission states "protecting and advancing freedom of expression and privacy in information and communications technologies. The Initiative provides information and support to the ICT industries and their stakeholders on how to protect the freedom of privacy and expression when pressured to infringe upon these rights.
Air Force Global Strike Command was created in 2009.