(adjective) The teacher sent the belligerent child to a time out room. Belligerent customers are a challenge for those in customer service. (noun) Italy became a belligerent in World War I primarily to gain territory in the Balkans.
The word "belligerent" is from the Latin beliger (warlike) or belligerare (to make war).The root words are bellum (war) and gerer (to make).
There is no homonym or homophone (sound-alike word) for "belligerent."However, the plural noun belligerents (warring countries or factions) is pronounced the same as belligerence (a general state or attitude of hostility).Synonyms for belligerent are hostile, aggressive, contentious, pugnacious, ornery, or mean.
Bellicose is a term which means belligerent. Synonyms of this word include combative, threatening, aggressive, and antagonistic. Some antonyms of this word include agreeable, calm, easygoing, and pacific.
more belligerent, most belligerent
An antonym for belligerent could be cooperative.
belligerent. (ly, is the suffix.)
That is the correct spelling of "belligerent" (hostile, aggressive).
The cast of Belligerent Benjamin - 1912 includes: Paul Scardon as Belligerent Benjamin
The base word of belligerent is "belliger."
My baby brother gets belligerent when he's hungry.
A belligerent country is at war.
The following are belligerent gods: Athena Ares Nemesis Hades
(adjective) The teacher sent the belligerent child to a time out room. Belligerent customers are a challenge for those in customer service. (noun) Italy became a belligerent in World War I primarily to gain territory in the Balkans.
(adjective) Tom screamed and shook his fist at the waiter in a belligerent way. Susan's father sent the belligerent girl to her room. (noun) The US joined World War I as a belligerent only after the withdrawal of Russia. The Soviet army withdrew as a belligerent in Afghanistan in 1989.