the conflict is they fought and the compromise is the war ended. They did fight but why was that??
He caused World War 2.
The majority of World War 2 took place in the 1940s; only a few months of conflict took place outside this, in the 1930s.
Spain and Portugal were both neutral during World War 2 and didn't take sides.
Hitler started world war 2. then killed himseldf
what is a example of compromise
The Cold War .
The conflict was that Japan, Germany, and the United Sates had an argument and that was when World War 2 Broke out (The Pacific).
No, the Allies insisted on unconditional surrender.
World War 2.
world war 2
World War 2
There was no compromise in WW2. Unconditional surrender was the only terms accepted by the US/Allies.
the general area of the conflict
World War 2.
He caused World War 2.