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Q: What is the definition of military influences?
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A military professional does not have an obligation with regards to influences on material and resource management

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An influence caused by anything that affects the whole world

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it is a military history

What is the military definition of DD?

Dishonourable discharge

What is the definition of 'disarmament'?

The definition of disarmament is when a country begins to make their military and weapons smaller. An example of disarmament is when the United Nations limited Germany's military after WWII.

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The physical context reflects the space around something and how that influences how you see it.

What is the definition of a military oligarchy?

A government of military officers who have removed or otherwise negated the elected government.

Definition of military?

Of or pertaining to soldiers, to arms, or to war; belonging to, engaged in, or appropriate to, the affairs of war; as, a military parade; military discipline; military bravery; military conduct; military renown.

What is the definition of Rupert?

'Rupert' has no definition, it is a name, - or in British military slang ' a new and untried junior officer'.

What is the military definition of a map?

A visual layout of the area around you.