the most remembered image of world war one was a british soldier that was standing in a trench in the western frount
The killing kind.
The soldiers from the first world war are remembered today by remembrance day. which takes place every year and there is a minutes silence. Also war memorials are around in most cities, with the soldiers names and the year the were born and died on it.
Thousands of trenches were constructed during World War 1. Most had names for operational purposes but few names are remembered. EDIT: Are you thinking of World War 2 and the Maginot Line?
In World War 1 Germany had an "image problem" in most neutral countries and until 1917 this included the U.S. Germany was widely seen as undemocratic and as the aggressor.
world war 2
The killing kind.
The use of the atom bomb and the holocaust.
world war ll
The soldiers from the first world war are remembered today by remembrance day. which takes place every year and there is a minutes silence. Also war memorials are around in most cities, with the soldiers names and the year the were born and died on it.
How the first world war will be remembered depends on the way the story is told. Some believe it was a waste of innocent lives.
He is remembered for his bravery, perseverance and not betraying the country during the World War 2 (WW2).
The most famous image is the image of the men putting up a flag at Iwo Jima. It was made into a sculptured monument and the photo is one of the most famous photo around the world. See link below.
Winston Churchill was involved in the Boer War, World War 1 and World War 2 but he is mostly remembered for his leadership during World War 2.
She is most remembered for her 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin which is said to have laid the groundwork for the Civil War.
So many people died and it was the first world war, that's why it's called the 'great war.' It's also remembered because we learn about it at school/college and it's in books, also because of the red poppies.
Thousands of trenches were constructed during World War 1. Most had names for operational purposes but few names are remembered. EDIT: Are you thinking of World War 2 and the Maginot Line?
Vera Brittan is remembered today because she was a nurse in the first world war and that she went to oxford university.