see this link for official military pay scales:
None! They are all paid the same based on a pay scale designated by the Federal Government. A single sergeant in the Army say with 5 years makes the exact same base pay as a single sergeant in the Marines or a Petty Officer Second Class in the Navy. The pay differs with your number of years of service, your rank and whether you are single or married.
These figures come from the 2011 Military Pay Tables as published by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.W-1Warrant officers in this rank a starting pay of $2,721 per month, with less than two years of military service. This pay rate increases every two years to a cap of $4,701.60 for W-1s with more than 20 years of military service.W-2Warrant officers in this rank with less than two years of service with a monthly rate of pay of $3,099.90. Monthly pay increases every two years to a maximum of $5,174 for W-2s with more than 24 years of military service.W-3Warrant officers in this rank earn $3,502.80 per month starting out with less than two years of military service. Every two years, pay is gradually increased to a cap of $6,144.90 for W-3s with more than 20 years of military service.W-4Officers with less than two years of military service earn $3,836.10 per month. This monthly pay increases in amount every two years, to a maximum of $7,005.60 monthly for W-4s with more than 26 years of military service.W-5Warrant officers must have at least 20 years of military service to hold the rank of W-5. For W-5s with 20 years of service, the monthly pay rate is $6,820.80. This increases every two years to a cap of $7,710 for W-5s with more than 26 years of military service.
Yes, the military can pay for your school. You will have to join the military and you will go to a military college but you will get a degree!
Indian territorial army monthly pay scale
Indian territorial army monthly pay scale
If varies on the time of service but on average according to the 2010 US Army pay scale an O-6 COL with 14 years on service makes $7,537.80 a month.
LtCol - Col
The entire pay scale for the US Military is far too large and complex to list on WikiAnswers, however you may access it at the site linked below.
The pay scale of the USMC is the same as the pay scale for all of the United State's military services. One can be found below for 2007 but they change yearly. Just search "military pay scale" followed by the year in the future.
Yes, there are pay differences based on the branch of the US military you enlist into. Each branch has its own pay scale and salary structure. However, the basic pay is determined by rank and years of service, so individuals with the same rank and years of service will generally receive the same pay regardless of branch.
The lowest possible is from $1.705.80 to $1.889.70 per the current US Military Pay Scale. The highest possible is $1,923.00 to $2,293.80 per the current US Military Pay Scale. These are both for base pay only for a promotion from E-3 to E-4..
Like any other branch in the Army, officers in the Military Police Corps make anywhere from $30,000/year as a 2LT with less than 2 years experience, all the way to $100,000/year for a COL with over 20 years experience. This is just base pay and there are other incentives in which are added to each months pay. An example of this is bonuses, BAH, BAS, hazard duty pay, deployment pay.
Go to and click on military pay scale.
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) publishes the pay scales every year. In Feb 2009 they give you access to both the 2008 and the 2009 pay scale information.
4600/- grade pay.
None. The pay scale is universal across all the branches.
You need to be more specific in your questions. There is flight pay, combat pay, then there is the military pay scale, dislocation allowance, housing allowance, subistance pay, professional pay. All this information is public knowledge and can easily found by doing a web search.