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MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction.

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Q: What is the policy in which the us and the soviet union hoped to deter nuclear war by building up enough weapons to destroy one another?
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What does nuking mean?

Is means to destroy with nuclear weapons. Destroy by using nuclear weapons of mass destruction!

What is the policy in which the United states and the Soviet Union hoped to deter nuclear war by building up enough weapons to destroy one another?

mutually assured destruction

Are nuclear weapons scary?

Yes. Nuclear weapons are very scary and they can seriously destroy the whole World. This means that they can destroy the whole planet.

What was nuclear deterrence or mutual destruction?

nuclear deterrence - the idea that if you attack me with nuclear weapons then I will attack you back with nuclear weaponsmutual assured destruction - the idea that if you attack me with nuclear weapons then I will totally destroy you with nuclear weapons and if I attack you with nuclear weapons then you will totally destroy me with nuclear weapons - thus any nuclear attack by either party will result in the certain destruction of both parties

Can Nuclear Weapons destroy the World?

While nuclear weapons have the potential to cause massive destruction, it is unlikely that they could destroy the entire world. However, a large-scale nuclear war could have catastrophic consequences for civilization, causing widespread devastation, loss of life, and long-term environmental impacts. Efforts to prevent the use of nuclear weapons are crucial for global security and peace.

What are the disadvantages of building nuclear weapons and plants?

Well their are no disadvantages to nuclear plants, if your using them for nuclear power, as nuclear power is the safest type of energy in modern times. However disadvantages of nuclear weapons include well the ending of the planet, the possibility of it being stolen by terrorists or even it being spied on for another nation so it can create nuclear weapons.

Are nuclear weapons effective?

Yes they are very effective. Nuclear weapons are dangerous and really effective to destroy all life on earth. They are very powerful.

Does America have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world?

No, the U.S. does not have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world on its own. However, its arsenal is large enough to cause catastrophic damage to multiple countries if used.

Can Nuclear weapons destroy the entire earth?

No, nuclear weapons do not have the capability to destroy the entire Earth. While they have devastating power and can cause widespread destruction, they are not capable of wiping out the entire planet.

Should the south African government destroy all its nuclear weapons?

It has already been done. South Africa dismantled its 6 nuclear weapons in 1991.

Can Nuclear Weapons destroy the World and the planet?

Nuclear weapons have the potential to cause massive devastation, including widespread destruction and loss of life. However, it is unlikely that they could completely destroy the world or the planet itself. The use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic consequences with long-lasting impacts on the environment and civilization.

Why don't Jamaica have nuclear weapons?

Nuclear weapons are very expensive. Jamaica does not have nearly the kind of economy that permits the building or purchase of such expensive weapons. And nobody is going to invade Jamaica anyway. Jamaica does not need nuclear weapons.