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Q: What is the thesis statement of Flyboys by James Bradley?
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Is there a video of the Iwo Jima flag raising?

The only records I have found are still photos. If you have a copy of Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley, there are photos of the stages of the flag raising. (lowering of one as the second was raised to the photo that caused the sensation)

Militarism in World War 2?

Some of the best information I have found, I found in James Bradley's "FLYBOYS". The first 77 pages discuss the measures the Japanese military went to to de-sensitize their soldiers. They invaded China- village after village, town after town, they raped, pillaged and plundered. They were, after all, from the land of the Rising Sun. They felt that because the sun rose and set on their homeland, they were second only to GOD(S). Much of their past, their culture was distorted in the name of honor. The kamikaze was simply the wave patterns surrounding the island of Japan which protected it from invaders, until WWII. Then the military leaders distorted that honor based history requiring their soldiers to give their lives in honor of their father, their homeland and their emporer.

Did the picture of the Iwo Jima flag raising include any other soldiers?

The picture that was printed in the papers in 1945 was the second flag raising of the day. If you get a copy of Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley is the author. There is a picture in the middle that shows one pole going up as a second is coming down. The picture itself shows 6 men ~ Ira Hayes is at the back having just let go of the pole, Franklin Sousley is in front of him and if you look closely there is another soldier beside Frank - that is Mike Strank their Sergeant. In front of them you can see Jack Bradley (medic and father of the author), beside him barely visible is Rene Gagnon and at the base of the pole is Harlon Block.

Which James was killed by herods sword?

james potter

Who proposed a convention in the Annapolis meeting 1786?

James madison

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In order to write a thesis statement about Etta James one would choose a narrow topic regarding James and use it to create a thesis. Etta James sang the blues would be a good thesis to discuss her genre and songs she sang.

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James A. Bradley was born in 1830.

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No. Bradley James is not gay.

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Bradley James was born on October 11, 1983.

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Bradley James was born on October 11, 1983.

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James Bradley Thayer died in 1902.

When was James Bradley Thayer born?

James Bradley Thayer was born in 1831.

When did James Bradley die?

James Bradley died on 1762-07-13.

When is Bradley James birthday?

Bradley James was born on October 11, 1983.