Byddin -
the by is pronounced bu as in bum
the dd is pronounced like the th in the
bu - th - in
No No
Yes, the noun 'army' is a common noun; a general word for an organized military force equipped for fighting on land; a large number of people organized for a particular purpose; a general word for any army of any kind.A common noun is capitalized only when it is the first word in a sentence.The noun 'army' is a standard collective noun for:an army of antsan army of caterpillarsan army of frogsan army of herringan army of soldiers
Welsh troops are part of the British Army, along with troops from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, they are currently involved in the conflict in Afghanistan.
If you are asking what the plural noun of the word 'army' is, then it's armies.
The Welsh word for Toxic is: Gwenwynig
The word 'fern' is not a Welsh word and has no meaning. The Welsh word for 'a fern' is 'rhedynen'.
The Welsh word for 'decibel' is desibel.
The Welsh word for Excellent is ardderchog, it is also the welsh for fantastic.
The Welsh word for mum is mam.The Welsh word for dad is dad.
The Welsh word for planet is 'planed' (plural - planedau)
the welsh word for trust is 'ymddiried'
The Welsh word for 'landowner' is 'tirfeddiannwr'.
The Welsh word for 'a cave' is ogof.
The Welsh word for Epiphany is Ystwyll.
The Welsh word for 'rectangle' is petryal.
The Welsh word for thunder is "taranu."