A Bagger Panuer..(root word french for meaning away and scary)
One word would be mercenary.
10 Letter Word: Neutrality
A knight is a high ranking soldier.
'Reb' is a three letter word for a civil war soldier.
Cart Cat At A
We saw it as from what heavy seven letter word can you take away two and have eight left? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .weights
The answer is the word empty. Take away the e and you have the letters mpty. Take away the p and you have the letters mty. Take away the y and you have the letters mt.
what is to pack something tightly take away one letter from cream and as to be one word
and or but
Queue. Take away the four letters UEUE and you are left with Q.
The word is starting! Starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I.