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They fought with allied troops.

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Q: What is was Canada's role in ww2?
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Who was Truman during World War 2?

He was Truman before ww2, and during ww2. sometime after ww2, he died.

Compare and contrast of different warfare and the style of world war 1 and world war2?

They are 2 very large & far reaching conflicts of the 20th century. WW2 is by far the larger. Technology has a great acceleration in both instances. Civillian involvement in WW2 is massive & in WW1 was minimal. Germany is seen as the villan in both instances & the US was decisive in both. In WW1 Russia is heavily defeated & in WW2 the USSR has a mighty struggle with the German invasion forces. Submarines (U boats) sink many merchant ships in both conflicts, causing great hardship to Britain. France has a massive role in WW1 but is knocked out of WW2 in a few short weeks. Japan is on the side of the Allies in WW1 and the Axis in WW2, the same applies to Italy. South America is largely unaffected by both WW1 & WW2. Militarily WW2 is far more mobile, both the Tank & the Aircraft, products of WW1 are redesigned out of all recognition in a short space of time in WW2. WW1 features Poison Gas, WW2 does not. Static trench warfare does not exist in WW2.

Who involve in WW2?

A good seventy countries were involved in WW2, although a lot of these countries didn't come in until the middle of or towards the end of WW2. But France, Britain, Russia, Japan, Poland, Italy, and of course, Germany were involved in WW2 from the beginning to the end.

What role did technoloy play in World War 2?

Technology advances hugely in every war. In WW2 it made better radio, radar, atomic weapons, faster fighters, bigger bombers, and better vehicles.

What was Adolf Hitler's role in WW2?

To kill Jews. He was the Nazi and German leader from the early 1930s, and thus was the war leader of Germany. Getting rid of Jews was part of his plan for world dominance.

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They played the role of being Nurses.

What role did it play in the outcome of Pearl Harbor?

The role of Pearl Harbor was US entry into WW2; making WW2 a truly Global War.

What was hilers role during world war 2?

There is no such individual known as hiler that had a role in WW2.

What was Adolf Hitler's role during WW2?

Chancellor of Germany

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canadas national fish is cod and salmon................................................thats wat i think how bout u

What were the major battles in Canada in world war 2?

No battles of WW2 were fought within Canadas current territorial area nor anywhere in North America. It was fought in Europe, North Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America.

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What are the role of fillipino in the world war 2?

The fillipino's role in ww2 was to lay back and let everyone do the fighting!!