The two Union victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg happened on the same day.
Vicksburg liberated the Mississippi, and ended the war in the West.
Gettysburg was Lee's last chance of invading the North.
That day (July 4h 1863) is taken as the turn of the tide.
The civil war ended in 1865. That is the best answer it can get for the year it ended.
There wasn't any Civil War battle that took place on October 9th, 1865. The Civil War ended May 9, 1865.
The Irish Civil War ended in 1923
because it was were the civil war took place and it ended the war!!!!!!!!!!because it was were the civil war took place and it ended the war!!!!!!!!!!
Office of Civil Defense ended in 1964.
In the civil war it became a military state.
Mexico. Shortly after the Civil War ended, Mexico threw the French out.
No, Hitler was born in 1889. The Civil War ended in 1865
40 when it started. 44 when it ended.
James Garfield was elected in 1880, 15 years after the Civil War ended. He was a major general in the Civil War and his military recorded helped him get elected.
No one has ended civil rights.
It is the Foraker Act also known as the First Organic Law in 1900 passed by the congress that ended the military rule in Puerto Rico and set up a civil government by providing a creation of political body called " the people of Puerto Rico", guarenteeing Puerto Rican citizenship and protection from the U.S.
The civil war ended in 1865. That is the best answer it can get for the year it ended.
surrender at Appomattox ended the civil war
There were two triumvirates. The first one ended with the death of Crassus and a civil war between Caesar and Pompey. The second triumvirate ended when Lepidus lost his military backing to Octavian and was forced into retirement followed by a civil war between Octavian and Antony.
No- because it was during the Civil War, a Massachusetts State Militia Unit, comprised entirely of black troops, commanded by white officers. Segregation in the US Military was ended in 1947 by President Harry S Truman
Memorial Day is important because it honors all US Military personnel who have died during all wars and military actions in which the United States has been involved since the US Civil War. When it was first observed on May 30, 1868, three years after the Civil War ended it was called Decoration Day because the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers who were buried at Arlington National Cemetery were decorated with flowers.