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September 1 1939.

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Q: What month day did the world war 2 start?
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What day month and year did World War 2 start?

September 1st 1939

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What month and day did world war 1 start and finish?

It started on 28 June 1914 and finished on 11 November 1918

What month did World War 2 start in?

September 1939.

What month day did waorld war 2 start?

01 Sept 1939

In what month did world war 1 officially start?

August 1914

What century year month day did world war 2 start?

Woorld War II started in September 1939 when Germany attacked Poland. 1900 were the 20th Century.

What is the celebrated ending of world war 1 hour day month?

11th hour, 11th day ,11th month

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World War II ended on September 2, 1945.

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When did remembrance day start?

Remembrance Day is a day when we remember ones who have fought for our country in the war, especially the first world war. Remembrance Day is on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.