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Q: What nationality is Sergeant Mulcahy the soldier given the responsibility of training the 54th regiment properly?
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I'm not COMPLETELY sure, but wasn't it General Moultrie?

What order do the ranks go for army cadets?

lance corporal, corporal, sergeant, staff sergeant, CSM-Company sergeant major, RSM-Regimental sergeant major. these are all the ranks. PS. there can only be 1 CSM per company and one RSM in the regiment

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British A creation of Bernard Cornwell he serves with the fictictious South Essex regiment, but is in fact a Rifleman of the 95th.

How many companies did a typical revolutionary infrantry regiment have in 1776?

By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).

How many companies did a revolutionary regiment have in 1776?

By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).

How many company's did a revolutionary infantry regiment have in 1776?

By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).

How many compaines did a typical revolutionary infantry regiment have in 1776?

By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).

How many companies in a typical revolutionary in infantry regiment in 1776?

By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).

How many companies did typical revolutionary infantry regiment in 1776?

By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).


By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).

How many companies did a typical revolutionary war infantry regiment have in 1776?

By 1776 a typical infantry regiment had a regimental staff and eight companies. Along with three field officers and six staff officers, the regimental staff included four staff NCOs: a sergeant major, a quartermaster sergeant, and two lead musicians (a drum major and a fife major).