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Jim Crow Laws.

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Q: What other laws were created to stop african-americans' from voting?
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Related questions

Why did former Confederate states create poll taxes literacy tests and other voting requirement laws and regulations?

Former Confederate states passed many laws with the goal of keeping African Americans from voting. These included the poll taxes and other illegal methods.

How are the laws in France voted?

by voting

Is voting the meaning by which different laws are settled?

vote is the law at which laws are settled

Why is there a desire for federal legislation to protect voting?

There is a NEED to protect voting rights. Some states are passing laws to restrict people from voting and making sure there are not voting precincts in the poorest areas of cities. Some of the laws reflect the old Jim Crow laws and going back over 60 years in voting rights. Since this is the case and by court rulings under the civil rights voting act the federal government is designated to protect voting rights.

What are the lack of penalties for not voting?

In some countries, there are no penalties for not voting, as voting is seen as a voluntary civic duty. However, in countries with compulsory voting laws, such as Australia and Belgium, individuals who do not vote may face fines or other penalties. The lack of penalties for not voting can result in lower voter turnout and may impact the representativeness of election results.

States rights by voting?

I am not sure what you are asking. Voting rights are given in the constitution and the states have made laws to restrict some voting rights, but the federal government is suppose to protect voting rights.

Laws that exempted men from voting restrictions?

grandfather clause

The 1965 Voting Rights Act forced the states to get permission from the federal government to change any voting laws?


The 1965 Voting Rights Act forced the states to get permission from the federal government to change any voting laws.?


What prevented women from voting?

Men. Specifically, men that created laws that spelled out who could vote.

Why is voting started from 18 years?

voting starts at the age 18 because they are considered mature, responsible and can related to laws and voting for an official to run certain parts of the world.

What are two ways that Africans were discriminated against by white government?

The Jim Crow laws discriminated in voting, housing, schools, and in many other ways.