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Q: What problems did knights face?
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trying not to get captured byanother knight and trying to defeat other knights and win respect from others such as other knights

What problems did the face?

what problems did the face what...? Sorry i don't speak stupid!! speak english!

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No problems at all.

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Many cities face all sorts of different problems. They face problems of poverty, crime, injustice, unemployment, education issues, and environmental issues.

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Me as a Buddhist i do not face problems but sometimes when the elders that are Buddhist and i know them, if they pass away me as a respectful person i can't cry. That is the problem that Buddhist face to me.

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Face them, get help or counseling. Facebook does nothing to help solve problems.

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The same physical problems other people face, however some have liver problems, heart problems, kidney and lung issues

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they always had back up and they never backed out or backed down