Henry Ford's ideas played a very important roll. The first was his perfection of the assembly line process. With this process, very large sums of equipment was produced in a very short period of time. By doing so, extremely large armies were called up to arms. The size of the armies raised and equipped numbered in the millions. Second, Ford's Model T was a very versitile platform of a truck. It could be equipped to serve as an ambulance, cargo truck, troop transport, mobile command, etc.
yes, children play music all around the world. They would play during the Civil war because it gave them something to do, and it made them fewel happy.
He helped create the nuclear bomb to bomb Hiroshima.
to play games or go to movie theaters and watch the 25 cent movies
what role did Henry ford play in the American industry? what role did Henry ford play in the American industry?
Henry played his first world cup in 1998.
Shakespeare's Henry the 8th
No as France missed out in 1994 world cup.
Wyatt Earp
Henry VIII
Henry VIII
Yes Thierry Henry will play in the 2010 world cupin South Africa , only problem is France must qualify, but Henry is doing a fine job scoring goals for his club Barcelona.
actually in an interview with sixty 8 and counting magazine he said that he loved to play baseball when he was a kid and still does
Dethecus his character name is skiye
He was watching a play at the Ford Theatre.