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Q: What role did women have on a rancho?
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Who were the people that lived at a rancho?

Vaqueros, Indian workers, women, and men lived at a rancho

What could Mexican married women do that women in the US couldn't do?

it is that the Mexican women can run a rancho by herself

How many women in California received a land grants in rancho days?

not very many

What early Spanish or Mexican Rancho is in your area?

Rancho Santa Fe.

What are role of women?

the role of women was to take care of children.

Where is the Rancho Cucamonga Bookmobile in Rancho Cucamonga located?

The address of the Rancho Cucamonga Bookmobile is: 7368 Archibald, Rancho Cucamonga, 91730 1401

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There was no role of women in French Revolution.

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Where is the Rancho Mirage Public Library in Rancho Mirage located?

The address of the Rancho Mirage Public Library is: 71-100 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, 92270 4123

What is a good Spanish name for a Rancho that you can use?

Rancho Bravo

When was Rancho Camulos created?

Rancho Camulos was created in 1853.