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Q: What ship covered with thick iron plates?
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The Confederates covered an old wooden ship they had taken from the North named the with iron plates?


What is a war ship covered in iron?


What is an iorn clad ship?

A warship built of iron or steel, or plated (over it's wooden hull) with steel/iron plates.

Confederate ironclad ship?

the Virginia it was a large ship covered in well iron(betcha didn't see the one coming

What is the definition of a ironclad?

An ironclad is a wooden-hulled water-going vessel which is covered in whole or in part by iron, serving as armor. Since the hull is clad in iron, it was called an ironclad ship.

Which ship fought in the first battle between ironclads?

The Union ship the "Monitor", and the Confederate ship "Virginia". The Virginia was formerly the Union vessel "Merrimack", which was sunk and raised, refitted with iron plates by the Confederates. The battle was a tactical draw, as neither ship could do much damage.

What do you call a ship that has been reinforced with iron plating?

Iron clads.

was there a ship called iron maiden?

There are lots of ships named Iron Maiden about.

To a sailor what is a hawser?

That would a thick cable or line that is used for mooring a ship or towing another ship.

What ship went through thick ice in antarctic?

the titanic

What is a ironclad?

a ship heavily armored in iron

What is a ship built of?

it is made of steel and iron