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The asassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

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Q: What systems and events led to the outbreak of the First world war in Europe?
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What system and events led to the outbreak of the First World War in Europe?

The asassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

When was the first major outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe?

The first major outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe may have been the Plague of Justinian, in 541-542. It might also have been the Black Death of 1347-1351. We not know for sure, which, if either of these, was the first because we do not know for certain that they were bubonic plague, and we do not know that some earlier plagues were not.

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The first one.

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1900 malaria outbreak in the Philippines

Where was the first outbreak of the black death?

The Black Death first broke out in Asia. It devastated both India and Persia before it entered Europe through the Crimea and Italy. It killed people in almost all of Europe and the Middle East.

What events led to the defeat of the nazis in europe?

First result was " The Battle of Stalingrad" which was Germany's lost battle, D-day, and the " Battle for Berlin" and many other events

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What is the first case of a outbreak called?

index case

When did the Olympics first come to Europe?

The first Olympics were in Europe. The events started in 8th century BCE, Olympia, Greece and last up until the 4th century CE. The modern Olympics were created in 1896, in which the first games were held in Athens, Greece. So the first ancient Olympic games as well as the first modern Olympic games were both held in Europe.

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They were introduced in the 18th century with the First Fleet, and became widespread after an outbreak caused by an 1859 release.