Capitol of ancient Egypt
Answer this question… Though huge numbers of people were killed, no country managed to conquer much territory.
he was a kushite king and he conquered egypt. he then united the two kingdoms using trade along the nile. piankhi was a great person in history
10 000 million foot
what was the effect of piankhi conquering egypt
the members
Rashidun Caliphate was the 1st caliph to set out to conquer territory from Byzantines. This happened in the year 632.
No, piankhi is not single.
Americans Imperialism. The chance to conquer Cuba as a us territory
Japan's goals to conquer the vast majority of territory in the Pacific were to portray supremacy in the western Pacific and capture natural resources
King Piankhi was the king of Kushite.
Piankhi reigned from 741 B.C to 715 B.C.
Capitol of ancient Egypt